Order Documentation

When a fixture is prepared for test of a specific PCB (Printed Circuit Board) the information listed below must be available:

A. Test fixture for test of a single PCB

  1. A list of the coordinates for all points to be tested. The list must be available as a file. The format should be Word, Excel, ASCII or other common formats.
  2. Coordinates for minimum 2 PCB fixing holes.
  3. A PCB with components mounted.

B. Test fixture for test of a panel of  PCB's

  1. A list of the coordinates for all points to be tested. The list must be available as a file. All common units as mm, cm, mil and inches are accepted. The format should be Word, Excel, ASCII or other common formats. If the distances between the single PCBs are available, only test coordinates for one PCB is required.
  2. Coordinates for minimum 2 panel fixing holes.
  3. Coordinates for minimum 2 single PCB fixing holes (*)
  4. A panel of PCBs with components mounted.
  5. A single PCB with components mounted (*).

Note (*): Only if space for single PCB test is required

For requirements for suitable PCB fixing holes please ref. the page 'Design for Testability'.